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Fulton Sheen, Fatima and Nuclear War

Writer's picture: Dr. Peter HowardDr. Peter Howard

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

There is a lot of talk and hype about this October. It is primarily in the realm of the Catholic prophetic beat from many different sources that speak to this month being a pivotal moment, after which the gradual escalation of war, geo-political, economic and extraordinary natural phenomena will increase. All I will say about that is to take the advice of St. Paul, who told us: Do not despise prophecies. But test all things; hold fast to what is good (1 Thess 5:20-21).

The month of October is a hugely prophetic month for the Church and the world. It commemorates the anniversary of the last apparition of Our Blessed Mother to the three children at Fatima followed by the miracle of the Sun that was witnessed by at least 70,000 people. The fact that the miracle involved the sun had great significance to Venerable Fulton Sheen, who said about all the events surrounding Mary’s visitations at Fatima: “God does not do anything in history without the greatest finesse of detail.”

The Miracle of the Sun had many layers of meaning to Sheen. Next to showing the greatness of the power given to Mary, it spoke to the decision mankind must make concerning its very existence at the dawn of the nuclear age. Not Moses, but now the Queen of Prophets was sent to deliver once again the stark warning to the world about its very fate that was spoken to the Israelites before it entered into the Promised Land:

“I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19).

For Sheen, he read into that miracle that that decision for life or death would revolve around what mankind chose to do with atomic power, without which there is no life. When we use it as God intended, it leads to life. When we try to manipulate it or block its created purpose, it leads to death. Sheen described it this way:

At Fatima, the fact that Mary could take this great center and seat of atomic power and make it her plaything, the fact that she could swing the sun “like a trinket at her wrist,” is a proof that God has given her power over it, not for death, but for light and life and hope. As Scripture foretold: “And now, in heaven, a great portent appeared; a woman that wore the sun for her mantle” (Rev. 12:1).29

He concluded saying:

Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima is actually a petition to a Woman to save men from nature made destructive through the rebellious intellect of man. At other moments in history, she was a Mediatrix of her Divine Son for man; but here she is a Mediatrix for nature. She seizes the original atomic power, which is the sun, and proves it is hers to use for peace. And yet it is not apart from man that she would save him from nature, as it was not apart from her free consent that God would save humanity from sin. Man must cooperate through penance. At Salette [sic], Our Lady asked for penance. At Lourdes, three times the Blessed Mother said: “Penance, penance, penance.” At Fatima, the same penitential antiphon is struck time and time again. [Excerpts above taken from The Woman: Mary as Meditrix in the Teaching of Fulton J. Sheen, by Dr. Peter Howard]

This miracle of the sun crowned the Fatima message while also marking humanity’s decision point. Since the French Revolution (1789 - 1799), it was racing to divorce intelligence from God, Who IS Intelligence. With God, we have a Kingdom in which God, man and creation live in a beautiful ordered harmony. Without God, civilization turns to a scientific dictatorship which saw its first attempt in France an epic failure — but laying the groundwork for all the philosophical poisons we face today, especially cultural Marxism.

The Angel of Peace and the Blessed Virgin’s message to the world through the three little children revealed the four pillars of heaven’s peace plan: Adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist, acts of reparation for the conversion of sinners, Daily Rosary and a lived Consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart.

What made Fulton Sheen the powerful saint he was and is in heaven, was not his extraordinary intellect, but the fact that he lived to an heroic degree the four pillars of the message of Fatima:

Adoration: Sheen’s daily Eucharistic Holy Hour

Reparation for Sinners: Sheen made sacrifices each day for the conversion of sinners, including his daily Holy Hour, through what he called his “priest-victimhood”

Rosary: The Rosary was prayed daily in the family and life of Fulton Sheen since his earliest years and he asked every married couple to lead their families with this devotion.

Consecration to Mary: Sheen made a personal consecration after his first Holy Communion, which was later expressed in his episcopal motto: Da per matrem me venire (“Grant that I may come [to you, Lord] through your mother.”

Fulton’s last name in Gaelic means “Peace” and living the message of Fatima is the only thing that will bring that peace to all humanity. The life and teaching of Fulton Sheen exemplified that.

Now, there is an interesting sign in the heavens coming across the Americas this October 14. It is called an “annular eclipse,” in which the moon is perfectly between the earth and the sun, but it does not completely cover the sun, leaving a distinctive ring of fire.

And God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years (Genesis 1:14).

Is this solar event mere coincidence or does this sign in the heavens portend a serious warning from Heaven directed toward us here in the Americas — where Mexico just legalized abortion up to birth and the United States hangs on the edge of knife?

Sheen: God does not do anything in history without the greatest finesse of detail.

A perfect example of this is illustrated in this talk by Venerable Fulton Sheen on the story of Fatima coinciding with the great events of Moscow and Rome in 1917:

To get a hard copy of Dr. Howard’s book The Woman: Mary as Mediatrix in the Teachings of Fulton J. Sheen CLICK HERE:

CLICK HERE to obtain a digital copy of the book.

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Gerard Nordskoven
Gerard Nordskoven
Sep 04, 2023

SILENCE IS VIOLENCE! "Only" way to peace given at Fatima, Portugal 1917 by Virgin Mary fulfilling Apocalypse 12, "Great sign...Woman clothed with the Sun" gave bishops consecrating Russia to her Immaculate Heart=ONLY way to peace. Never done. Imposter tranny nun replaced Fatima visionary, reversed message:


Sep 04, 2023

"The lesson is not to be forgotten: in a not too distant day when Russia, like the prodigal son, will return to the father's house, let not Western civilization refuse to accept it back or absent itself from the feast celebrating the salvation of what was lost. Constant obedience is better than repentance, but the truly obedient will always rejoice in the repentant... The land which once was known as Holy Russia may become again the wellspring whence a pure stream of Christianity may flow.

- Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (1948, Communism and Conscience of the West; The Cross of Christ)


Thomas J Hoey
Thomas J Hoey
Aug 31, 2023

It is quite ironic that Fulton County (Atlanta) is pulling out all of the stops to protect Wokers.

Trumpets have been blaring for a number of years and how splendid it is that St Maximilian Maria Kolbe and will be St Fulton Sheen had these visions and worked for the Immaculata to wins souls to her son's Son's Sacred Heart truly thee most beautiful and epic stories of last last few centuries if not of all time. Thanks be to God

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