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Forming & Coaching Leaders for Our Times

. . . in 90 Days


Do you wish you had the heroism and drive of the saints?


Let's be you feel called to lead, but you're paralyzed by fear?


Do you feel irrelevant and insignificant to the world in crisis around you?

Join us for 90 days of personal formation unlike anything you have encountered before:


  • Wisdom on leadership from the saints (taught by Dr. Peter Howard)


  • Integrate human formation that has been largely ignored in Catholic anthropology (taught by Master Strategists, Bill Schnieders and January Donovan)


  • Personal coaching sessions with Dr. Peter Howard (men) and Catholic Life Coach, Chantal Howard (women)


  • Show up and practice leadership skills in real time practicum through intimate Mastermind groups


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In the serious times in which we live, the last days of our era, as Fulton Sheen puts it, the Lord is raising up leaders who no longer will cower in fear or compromise themselves for want of purpose and mission. 


At the most crucial times in history, the Holy Spirit lit a torch in the souls of common men and women to become the most impactful leaders and saints who would save the Church in times of darkness. And it is our mission to pass along that flame to and women who want to lead the Church into victory over the forces of darkness and be leaders in every arena of life.​

“Believe the impossible and you will do the incredible”

~  Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

Are you ready to conquer your fears and lead?

Are you willing to invest in yourself to make that change?
We know your excuses

1. I don't have enough time.


Our response: We make time for the things we value. Learning to prioritize what really matters is one of the first things we want to teach you in order to be fit to lead. 


2.  It costs too much.


Our response: Doing nothing costs much much more. Are you not worth investing in yourself?


3. I love Jesus and that's enough.


Our response: Jesus doesn't agree with you and neither does your spouse. Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself. You can't love and lead others to greatness unless you first love and lead yourself to greatness.


4.  This is just another self-help program.


Self-help programs have been tremendously helpful in developing healthy self-awareness, successful habits and leadership skills in men and women that lead to success in the professional world and in relationship building.  But, we know that a purely human approach is not the only solution to the crisis before us. We need the best of the Church's wisdom combined with the beneficial contributions of the habits, mindsets and skillsets that bring forth the fullest potential of our human capacities. 


Our response: Well, here's some thoughts from Fulton Sheen:


"If we wish to remake the world, we must begin by remaking man, then all the institutions will be good, for they will reflect the good men who made them."


"No nation, as no individual, ever achieves anything worthwhile except through sacrifice and self-denial."


The painful truth is that most men and women do nothing to improve themselves. We have to  every day to live to our fullest potential a completely integrated Catholic life -- in body, mind and spirit? What are you doing right now to achieve that?

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We Want to Guide and Coach You
  • ​The greatest in the world have coaches


  • We don't move ourselves


  • We need accountability


  • We get the mess the Church and the world is in. We've been on the front lines of missionary work in America and the greatest crisis we have witnessed is a lack of leadership -- leadership in our marriages, our families, our workplace . . . and with our very selves.


  • We've spent the last 20+ years learning these lessons the hard way, where a program as focused as this would have saved us YEARS of personal and professional growth.


  • Our greatest and fastest growth took place when we had coaches


  • A program like this would have strengthened our faith and given us clarity and mindset skills about things NOBODY was teaching in the finest Catholic universities in the world.


  • This is the formation we both wish we had in our college years that would have saved us so much heartache and mistakes in life


  • There is no better formation to prepare for marriage in this complex and challenging world than our integrated approach of body + mind  + spirit + personal coaching

About your coaches
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Chantal and Dr. Peter Howard have six children and have worked alongside one another for nearly 20 years, dedicated to the mission of supporting families in their pursuit of health, holiness and freedom. Together they seek to awaken Catholic families to discover God's unique purpose for them and seek to inspire them to live it out with trust, courage and passion.

Dr. Howard is a noted Mariologist, having received his doctorate from the Pontifical University of
St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Italy. He is the founder of the Fulton Sheen Institute and a Strategist of the Man School. He is a renowned speaker and teacher.

Chantal is a business and life coach and the Director of Strategists at The Woman School. She has coached thousands of women to wholeness over the last 10 years. She is a national speaker and author of The School of the Family: A Renaissance of Catholic Formation and The Family Rule.

What Is the Fulton Sheen Leadership Program?

THE FULTON SHEEN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM provides you with essential intellectual, spiritual and human formation. This includes:


  • Practical exercises to develop the necessary mindset, skillset, daily habits and personal accountability needed to live a Catholic life of wholeness equipped to pursue and accomplish your God-given mission to its greatest potential.



The Leadership Program is a 3-month program with FOUR (4) components:


  1. Live Instruction

  2. Access to Masterclass on Personal Development

  3. Group Mastermind

  4. Personal Coaching

Inside of a Castle


(VALUE $4800)

Live Lecture Series with Dr. Peter Howard
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Dr. Howard's lectures will focus on the following subjects:


Discernment, Spiritual Pillars of Today's Saints, Decision Making, Leadership Characteristics, Peace of Soul, Happiness and Disciplines of the Mind and Heart


Drawing from the wisdom and teaching of the following great minds:


  • Venerable Fulton Sheen 

  • St. Ignatius Loyola

  • St. Thomas Aquinas

  • St. Francis de Sales

  • St. John Paul II

  • St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe


(VALUE $1000)

A Masterclass for Men 

  • The Great Man's Legacy Masterclass to access at your own pace*


  • Dr. Peter Howard will be focusing on specific lessons in the group Mastermind


  • Downloadable Access to all the templates/ PDFs and worksheets*


* Course includes 8-month access to Legacy Masterclass and Materials

A Masterclass for Women 

  • The Art of Being a Woman Masterclass to access at your own pace*


  • Chantal Howard will be focusing on specific lessons in the group Mastermind


  • Downloadable Access to all the templates/ PDFs and worksheets*


* Course includes 8-month access to Legacy Masterclass and Materials



(VALUE $3000)



  • Every other week during the Leadership Program (6 sessions), you will have a one hour private coaching Zoom call with Dr. Peter Howard (MEN) or Chantal Howard (WOMEN)


  • These coaching sessions focus on those challenges in your own life which the Leadership course material brings to light. They are designed to help you find clarity in your self-awareness, get you out of your own way to accomplishing your goals and hold you accountable to the self-work and action steps to which you commit for maximum transformation in the shortest amount of time.

Praying Hands


(VALUE $1799)



  • Over the three months, there will be a bi-weekly Mastermind session with Dr. Peter Howard and the other men going through the Fulton Sheen Leadership Program at the same time.


  • You’ll be able to connect with men on a similar journey who are all trying to live a life of purpose, passion, wholeness and ultimately holiness. 





Group Telegram Account​


  • Everyone in the Leadership Program will have access to each other as well as me in a private Telegram group. We will also be in smaller groups where you will hear each other's stories and see the transformation right before your eyes! Iron sharpens iron.


Leadership Notebook


  • Spiral bound notebook with inspirational quotes, key exercises and personal notetaking space

​Certificate of Completion: Fulton Sheen Leadership School

Leadership Training


Lasting Transformation



Your Cost: $5,500*

THROUGH January 15:


* TUITION IS A tax deductible donation To FSI


“Fulton Sheen isn’t done with us yet! His life and message show us that LIFE IS WORTH LIVING. His beatification is a powerful moment of grace, and a call from God to relook at his work. And there’s no better man than Peter Howard to help your people tap into this moment! He’s the expert on Sheen, and more, how to apply his message to life today.

— Chris Stefanick, Real Life Catholic, REBOOT event 

My Compelling Offer
My Compelling Offer
Is Fulton Sheen Leadership right for you?
"The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive"
~ St. Irenaeus

Venerable Fulton Sheen prophetically described how the new evangelization of our times would assume what he called the "anthropological approach."And this vision was shared and implemented by St. John Paul II. Modern man is so broken and his understanding of what it means to be human so confused that we start in these places. As St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us, "grace perfects nature." It doesn't replace it. Just as the life of the Holy Spirit reaches its full potential when it is united to a fully alive human spirit. And our responsibility to pass this fullness of life and wisdom is our legacy. 


Both +Fulton Sheen and St. John Paul II spoke of how the rebuilding of civilization and bringing man back to God through the new evangelization necessitates the integration of "human formation".


St. John Paul II specifically highlighted this need for priests who need to master the art of relating to and counseling others (cf. Dabo vobis, 43.) But what exactly does that mean and why is it so important for the overall formation of Christians and priests today? Answering these questions is precisely what Dr. Peter Howard accomplishes through his lectures combined with the material of the Great Man's Legacy Masterclass, led by Bill Schieders.  THERE IS NO PROGRAM LIKE THIS ONE!


The Great Man’s Legacy Masterclass plays a unique role in this human formation in that it helps you build a systematic guide to designing your life and legacy. This is the most comprehensive program that instructs and equips men with practical skills on how to manage their mind, body, and goals. Most men are told what to do but not how to do it, this is a comprehensive ‘how’ to be a man program. It focuses on equipping men to build an integrated vision for every arena of life. Your legacy is who you are as a man. Success means achieving your goals without compromising what matters most.


You were created by God for a specific purpose for this very moment in history where the need for great men of God to rise and lead our families and humanity back to God is greater than ever. God created us men with capacities we have hardly tapped. It's time to discover them, unleash them, inspire and equip others to do the same, and watch what God does with us!

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ORIENTATION: Wednesday, January 26

WEEK 1 - Leadership Lecture #1 / Masterclass Class #1

WEEK 2 - Mastermind Session #1 / Coaching Session #1

WEEK 3 - Leadership Lecture #2 / Masterclass Class #2

WEEK 4 - Mastermind Session #2 / Coaching Session #2

WEEK 5 - Leadership Lecture #3 / Masterclass Class #3

WEEK 6 - Mastermind Session #3 / Coaching Session #2

WEEK 7 - Leadership Lecture #4 / Masterclass Class #4

WEEK 8 - Mastermind Session #4 / Coaching Session #4

WEEK 9 - Leadership Lecture #5 / Masterclass Class #5

WEEK 10 - Mastermind Session #5 / Coaching Session #5

WEEK 11 - Leadership Lecture #6 / Masterclass Class #6

WEEK 12 - Mastermind Session #6 / Coaching Session #6

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